Mobile In-App Purchase Prediction
Predict user purchase within next 7 days and 14 days. Use time series feature engineering and a stack of classifers to boost the performance.
Data Lover
ML & NLP Practioner
A passionate data science practitioner
My Resume :)
I'm a passionate and self-driven data science practitioner based in San Francisco, CA.
I'm working extensively on data analytics, applied ML and NLP.
Mixed background with DS, Economics and Finance
Machine Learning projects applied to real-world business problems. Focus is on exploratory data analysis, feature engineering and modeling
Predict user purchase within next 7 days and 14 days. Use time series feature engineering and a stack of classifers to boost the performance.
Use session-level data to predict user-level e-commerce revenue for Google GStore.
NLP-related projects including topic modeling, keyword extraction and sentiment analysis.
Flexible multigram non-consecutive keywords extraction tool applied to identify customer concerns.
Analytic newsfeed product with controversy of topics and author's impact analysis.
Other data science projects including distributed data system, time series analysis, data visualization, algorithm implementation and web scraping etc.
Parking violation clustering based on car characteristics and travel time. Compare the financial and time efficiency of different AWS EMR configurations. Paper has been accepted by the 3rd IEEE SCI.
Predict 3 years bankruptcy rate in Canada using different traditional time series models.
Analyze the geographic pattern and host characteristics of Airbnb listings in San Francisco using Tableau.
Implement isolation forest, gradient boosting ... from scratch
Scrape company public information using Scrapy